ModelSport Hornet
300class Micro EP-Heli
- Hillar type fixed pitch head (seasow type)
- Motor : Graupnner Speed 300
- Battery : 700mah 7cell NiH
ModelSport (Chez) producted micro EP heli. MS prducted IKALS ECO PICCOLO by OEM too.
Piccolo has electric contorooled tail rotor, but Hornet has mechanikal reduction system for tail rotor drive.
More small than Kyosho's Convert EX, New materials can made these models, Carbon and engeneering plastic.
I saw Hornet first, photos of Electricflight and MS'S web. And I hope to imported to Japan, Circross ( Mr Tsuruta' s private importer) made dream.
I get full set kit.
Flames assembled with CA-bond. Reciever lool like JETI REX-4, very small and high performance radio.
Servo motors are Graupnnner, perhaps there are GWS's PICO standard. Good servos.
Elevator servo mount with 3mm carbon plate, mout higher to keep servo horn stroke. This is information from Mr Tshuruta.
I used normal jyro first, but not enough for stabilize tali, how adjusted gain. So I changed gyro to GWS's PG-03, this is very good, light weight and performance.
Battery is same size to Piccolo's battery. Holded with rubber bands.Simple and good.
I adjusted motor gear backlush tight, protect for teeth brake.
Linkage are very good. I needs adjust to move smoothly for rotor head assembling. Care to assembling better, tail gear box and rotor head.
Swash plate needs remove ball baering and remove oil, and assembled with CA-glue. Very carefully!
Mast stopper is remaked from aluminium. It is good for maintenance. And remaked radius arm from aluminium too.
Mr Tsuruta makee blass main mast, very good accuracy and less vivratikon.
Cabin is colored with Tamiya's splaycolor. First splay with silver and second splay yellow.
Still image by Sony handicam PC-5
To adjust main lotor tracking, adjust stabilizer blades. My Hornet has no prblem for tracking.
Airlon and Elevator servo adjusted ATV for 60% first, But 80% (full stloke) is contorollable for me.
Hover is very light. moving very quick so thum fingers very very bisy. This is real HORNET!!
I don't use stavlizer weight, If use weight, more gentle hover. But I like this.
700mah battery can hover 7minutes over, very enough.
Light weight body and small current motor, This is best way for EP helis.
If you can get Shulze ESC 10-18A class, it is more better, I think.
Please enjoy HORNET!!
Hornet uses normal plane metal motor, it needs maintenance with oil to motor metal.
Brushless motor and Li-Po batterry test
MS had selling original brushress motor and ESC sets. It seemed ModelMotors Mini AC1215/16??
I test E-Tec Li-Po batterry 1200mah 3cell pack too.
Colective Pitch Version
I changed Gyro GWS PG-03 to Futaba GY240(AVCS). Mounted on airlon and pitch servo with doubule saided tape.
GY240 is good for Hornet, very useful and calm.
Flight test
I charged Li-Po batterry by Sulze 6-330d charger ( Ver 7.15), Later I get new version ROM ( Ver 8.04) it is more suitabule to charge Li-Po batterrys.
I choised 10t pinion gear that MS reccmond. Hover is very static and easy, Mini AC1215/16 make more power, good performance.
I adjusted gyro sense and another TX adjust, over 10 minutes batterry had no power down. No over heat. But my concetration was out, so finished test flight.
E-Tec Li-Po batterry is very good performance at MS Hornet brushless motor and 1200mah3cell pack.
It can more long time hover, 3D monuver, fantastic flight!! Best match I think so.
‚b‚•‚’‚’‚…‚Ž‚” Check
E-Tec 1200mah 3cell MS genuie blushress motor with 10t pinion gear.
Normal ( Hovering)mode : 2.8-3A ( 9.8-10V)( at Hovering pitch) 3.8-4A( at MAX pitch)
3Dmode : 4-4.2A ( at MAX pitch)
11t pinion gear
3Dmode:5.8-6A (at MAX pitch) 2200rpm
Normal mode:3.8-4A (Hovering pitch) 2000rpm
E-Tec batterry can use 5C max, no probrem to use MS Hornet. It work very very good!
I recomennd E-Tec Li-Po batterry. Please try it!
I make teil-pipe holder,3mm stainless main mast, batterry holder,receiver deck.
Motor contoroller changed normal MS to Phoenix 10(old version).Govener mode is good. It mached to MSgenuine blushressmotor at low RPM mode. I use 11T pinion, good response.