Works Polar Bear

Mini E-powerd planes

Flying Stylo Kits F-16

Motor : Model Motors Mini AC1215/16
EDF unit : Vasa Fan 55
ESC : Hacker-Jeti Master 18Aa
Batterry : HeCELL 1100mah NI-He 8cell
RX : Shulze Alpha 440 (40Mhz 4ch)
Serbo : GWS PICO+BB *2
Weight : 445g

This is Flying Stylo Kits F-16 made in CZ. Oridinal model is rubber or electric-motor powerd with pusher plop, maybe use R/C.
Some day I visit Hobby-Lobby's website, there is small F-16(real!) flight video with VasaFan55 and Sagami 280BB motor, good sound and good flyght performance.

It is So So SO!! Fun!!! My eyes catched hold F-16. But that time VasaFan55 was no stock at Hobby-Lobby.

My friend's Hobby Shop in Japan, He imported F-16 and VasaFan55. This kit included text, remake to EDF plane.
So I get This F-16 Tiger marked.

 Main spar
Original main spar made with 3mm balsa wood. I add 3mm carbon rod and micro glass reinforcer.
Center of spar I made cover from hard paper.
But original spar has no plobrem.

Glue wings with 30minite EPOXY. Make a hole of maintenance hatch.
Shave innner body to smooth intake.
American user made flying tail, direct mout to servo holns, but I made normal erevator with tape hinge.
Stabirizer are reinforced with 2mm carbon rods.
Servos are GES PICO+BB glued this place, with 5min EPOXY and micro baloon.

 EDF unit
Made EDF holder with 5mm styloplate. Thlust line is littere UP.
Elevator horns are made from 1.5mm plywood.
 Power cables to motor

ESC holded with belcro. I use small canopy lutch ( OK models parts)

 Holisontal Fin
Holisontal fin is glued 5min EPOXY.
Wing tips are made from 1.5mm plywood, NO missile.

Controlls are use ELEBON mix.
Elevators UP 15mm DOWN 15mm ( -20% exipo at Fttaba's TX)
Airlons move 15mm eatch (-20% exipo)

Intakes are original size at kit text. WIthout maintenance hatch, it cause more thulst, but no use.
Static thlust is 180grams, it can good flight maybe.

Erevator 15mm ( up / down) Exip -25%
Airlon 15mm ( right / left ) Exip -20%

CG is 80mm from leadingEdge

First test, I clushed small and dameged fuslage. So I add Glass Tape inforcement with EPOXY lasin ( Z-POXY finishing type) from nose corn to leading edge, at fusulage innner.

Flight Videos

First Test flyght WINDOWS media player 1.47MB

That day was so windy, so flight very slowly to wind.

After test, I remake intake hall to wide 10mm rear.


Makig Tips
Oridinal text say that, first cut cockpit and glue canopy, but I think glue canopy first and cut cockpit guided with canopy edge.

Micro glass tape inforcer (with EPOXY rasin) are very good.

Later works

I made exthaust extention, hight 50mm in 55mm out 48mm.
See like balel? ( Japanese TARU ) NO!
Make jig with round guide, rolled 1mm balsawood , inforce micro glass tape and carbon lobing with CAglue.

It caused 20glams thulst more.
At full power, current was 10A ( 8cell 9.6V)


Second flyght test
This time was windy too. Hand launch toward winds, nose up caused decrease speed, carefuly controll. Trims are good.
At turn care to over nose up, blended wing body made more lift at nose. Air speed is good.
It is beautiful style SIngle engine JET Fighter.
VasaFan make good thulst at low speed.

Exthaust extention works well.

Flight videos after remake Windows media player 2.3MB

Good thulst make calm flight. good siluette F-16.
