HIROBO "Raiden 25" EP conversion

4stroke 30class scale plane

Motor : Hacker B40-12L (2500kv)
Gear Ratio : 100:35 Original gear down unit
Plop : APC 11*6
ESC : Jeti ADVANCE 40-3P OPTO + Waypoint S-Bec regulator
Battery : Thunder Power 2100mah 3cell Li-Po *2pack palarel
Servo ˇ§Waypoint W-150MG *3 OK mini retlact servo
Weight : 1550gramm

Hirobo's 4st 30class ARF kit. Real Raiden is MITUBISI's WW2 Japanese navy intercepter. "RAI"means thunder and "DEN" means volt , "RAIDEN"ise same mean to Thundervolt. "RAIDEN"is Japanese old air god name.
I made 30class FlyBaby to EP plane, use Hacker B40-9L geardown and 8cell1700mah 4/5sc battery. It needs 20A max power. So I think Thunder Power 2100mah 3cell Li-Po 2palarel can make near 30A, Raiden25 will fly with 2 TP Li-PO!
Hirobo's ARF kits are little heavy, like EXTLA300 15, EXTLA300 50, But this Raiden is very light, match to EP convert.

Gear down unit is original, 1.5mm juralmin plate and 5mm shaft and 64pitch spar gear holder. It mount direct to original firewall. It no use GP engine mount.
Air scoop was made from plastic spoon, I saw QEFI magazine, it is easy!

I use OPTO type ESC with Waypoint S-Bec regulator,It is safe way to use 3cell Li-Po and over 10cell Ni-Cd.

I use OK AB spinner 52mm hold to plopadapter with 2mmscrew knock pin.
Raiden has original fuel tank room, but it is suitable for battery mount, hold on BELCLO, it is easy.

Pilot made from light paper clay. He is little big.
Rear hatch is battery room , use 4st 30engine, I made exthaust duct for cooling battery and motor.

Power Check

Motor : Hacker B40-12L (2500kv)
Plop : APC 11*6
Battery : Thunder Power 2100mah 3cell Li-Po *2pack palarel

ESC timming is normal
33T pinion 21A at 7600rpm
35T pinion 23A at 7800rpm

In Hard timming , 8000rpm over with 35T pinion, but I flight with normal timming.

Test Flight

I flight at mount ASO Kumamoto PRF in Japan. Sometimes Littre rainy.

Taxy with littre erevator UP to guard to nose down, Raiden increase speed and run straight, running about 10M after climb powerful.
Some turn after, mach trim, airlon right elevator littre down, retract gear and flight good!
roll and loop was no plobrem good pereformance, no feel power less, like 4st40class power. Stability was good, controll like sports plane.
Fantasteic and Great!!!

Thunder Power battery and Hacker motor make good performance , No fell Electric RC plane is weak heavy and under power.
Good days is comming to EP flyers now.


Flight Movies Windows Medea player file

Large file 3.3Mb

Small file 932kb

